What reasons for cancellation are covered?

The list of all insured reasons for cancellation can be found in the information sheet. The most important reasons are:

  • suddenly occurring serious illness, serious health consequences resulting from an accident or death of the insured person or family members. Family member means a spouse (or registered partner or cohabiting partner), children (stepchildren, children-in-law, grandchildren, foster children, adopted children), parents (step parents, parents-in-law, grandparents, foster parents, adoptive parents), siblings, stepbrothers and sisters-in-law of the insured person; for a registered partner or cohabiting partner living in the same household, this also includes their children, parents and siblings.
  • serious damage to your property at the place of residence as a result of act of God or criminal act of a third party;
  • loss of job without fault, as a result of notice of termination issued by the employer.